TC Marketing  & Trading is a JB (Johor Bahru) based Company that Specialized in Solar Hot Water System, Water Filtration System,  Water Pump System & Hot & Cold Piping System.

Since 2007, over these 6 Years, We keep Continuing to Import & Select reliable & durable product to enhanced our products range which able to fulfil & satisfy our customer wants and needs.

Currently,we are expanding our business where also providing hot & cold plumbing works to ensure our customers peace of mind after they select us.

We guaranteed our promising that to deliver what we promised.We also make sure customer satisfy with our products and as well as our service.


TC Marketing & Trading 是一家以柔佛州(新山)为基地的公司,专业从事太阳能热水系统,水过滤系统,水泵系统和冷热水管道系统。





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